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StoryFest with Barbara Lawrence

February 21 (Fri) 7:00 p.m.

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February StoryFest

Barbara Anne Lawrence is a Suquamish Tribal Elder and a traditional storyteller. She was raised on the Suquamish Port Madison Indian Reservation to her Suquamish Tribal member father, and Chairman of the Suquamish Tribe, Charles Russell Lawrence and her first-generation Norwegian American mother, Anne Roselynn (Berg) Lawrence.

Barbara has served on the Suquamish Tribal Higher Education Board and is a former Chairwoman of the Suquamish Tribal Elders Council. She currently serves on the Suquamish Museum Board. She holds a BA from The Evergreen State College (1989) where she was selected as the first ever Student Humanitarian Service Award recipient in 1986. She holds an MBA in Sustainable Business (emphasis on Social Justice) from Bainbridge Graduate Institute (2005) AKA Pinchot University (recently Pinchot University merged with Presidio University in California).

Despite her college education, Barbara says her first formal education was from the Tribal Elders who taught her from a young age about her traditional tribal cultural ways, including through storytelling.

Suquamish storytelling is a traditional way of teaching and Barbara uses this form of education with all ages from preschoolers to the elderly. She has a passion for and deep knowledge of, Suquamish and Coast Salish history, culture, archaeology, social justice, environmental racism, and contemporary tribal issues.

She was involved in the conception of the Canoe Journeys through her appointment to the Washington State Centennial Commission in 1985. Barbara has served on several Washington State Advisory Boards, committees, commissions and task forces that bridge the tribal/state governmental interests.