The Seattle Storytellers Guild is a member-supported nonprofit organization that aims to promote events for storytellers and to support storytellers in the art of the performance.
Judith Alexander, Vice President
Pat Bannwarth, Treasurer
Barry McWilliams
Bu Huang
Eva Abram
Larry Hohm
Marte Fallshore
At Large
Anne Brendler
Ellen Wanless
Joanna Demarest
Lylium Walsh
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our identification number (EIN) is 91-1307528.
A history from the early days, through the golden years, and up to the present, with articles by Virginia Rankin and Anne Brendler: An In Depth History of SSG
A brief history of the Guild: A Short History of SSG
SSG on Facebook
Tips For Open Mics
SSG ByLaws